Our meals are freshly prepared and are healthy and wholesome. We also ensure a balanced diet and variety in the menu. There is always a salad buffet at lunch and dinner and a small dessert in the evening.
Of course, vegetarian and vegan menus are also available if you wish. We can cater for gluten or lactose intolerances. A combination of several intolerances is generally not possible.
Please be sure to state your intolerance or request when booking!
Please inform the staff in the dining room at every meal during your stay. Thank you very much!
For guests with gluten or lactose intolerance, we charge a contribution towards expenses of CHF 3 per person and meal (lunch and dinner) to cover the additional costs.
Das sbt Gästehaus verwendet regionale Produkte | |
Käse |
Simmentaler Halbhartkäse, Bergkräuter Käse, Bergkäse Typ Gruyère, Brie Nature Gerzensee , Emmentaler Käse, Alpkäse von Beatenberger Kühen |
Milch |
direkt ab Hof Familie Schmocker, Beatenberg |
Frisches Schweizer Fleisch und Fleisch-Waren |
Metzgerei Blaue Kuh, Matten bei Interlaken |
Frische Eier |
Familie Gafner, Beatenberg |
Saisonale Früchte |
Familie Oppliger, Gunten am Thunersee |
Bier |
Rugenbräu Brauerei, Interlaken |
Frische Kräuter |
wenn immer möglich aus dem eigenen sbt-Garten |